13 research outputs found

    Two-Dimensional Heteroscedastic Feature Extraction Technique for Face Recognition

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    One limitation of vector-based LDA and its matrix-based extension is that they cannot deal with heteroscedastic data. In this paper, we present a novel two-dimensional feature extraction technique for face recognition which is capable of handling the heteroscedastic data in the dataset. The technique is a general form of two-dimensional linear discriminant analysis. It generalizes the interclass scatter matrix of two-dimensional LDA by applying the Chernoff distance as a measure of separation of every pair of clusters with the same index in different classes. By employing the new distance, our method can capture the discriminatory information presented in the difference of covariance matrices of different clusters in the datasets while preserving the computational simplicity of eigenvalue-based techniques. So our approach is a proper technique for high-dimensional applications such as face recognition. Experimental results on CMU-PIE, AR and AT & T face databases demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in term of classification accuracy

    Your Out-of-Distribution Detection Method is Not Robust!

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    Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection has recently gained substantial attention due to the importance of identifying out-of-domain samples in reliability and safety. Although OOD detection methods have advanced by a great deal, they are still susceptible to adversarial examples, which is a violation of their purpose. To mitigate this issue, several defenses have recently been proposed. Nevertheless, these efforts remained ineffective, as their evaluations are based on either small perturbation sizes, or weak attacks. In this work, we re-examine these defenses against an end-to-end PGD attack on in/out data with larger perturbation sizes, e.g. up to commonly used ϵ=8/255\epsilon=8/255 for the CIFAR-10 dataset. Surprisingly, almost all of these defenses perform worse than a random detection under the adversarial setting. Next, we aim to provide a robust OOD detection method. In an ideal defense, the training should expose the model to almost all possible adversarial perturbations, which can be achieved through adversarial training. That is, such training perturbations should based on both in- and out-of-distribution samples. Therefore, unlike OOD detection in the standard setting, access to OOD, as well as in-distribution, samples sounds necessary in the adversarial training setup. These tips lead us to adopt generative OOD detection methods, such as OpenGAN, as a baseline. We subsequently propose the Adversarially Trained Discriminator (ATD), which utilizes a pre-trained robust model to extract robust features, and a generator model to create OOD samples. Using ATD with CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 as the in-distribution data, we could significantly outperform all previous methods in the robust AUROC while maintaining high standard AUROC and classification accuracy. The code repository is available at https://github.com/rohban-lab/ATD .Comment: Accepted to NeurIPS 202

    Blacksmith: Fast Adversarial Training of Vision Transformers via a Mixture of Single-step and Multi-step Methods

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    Despite the remarkable success achieved by deep learning algorithms in various domains, such as computer vision, they remain vulnerable to adversarial perturbations. Adversarial Training (AT) stands out as one of the most effective solutions to address this issue; however, single-step AT can lead to Catastrophic Overfitting (CO). This scenario occurs when the adversarially trained network suddenly loses robustness against multi-step attacks like Projected Gradient Descent (PGD). Although several approaches have been proposed to address this problem in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), we found out that they do not perform well when applied to Vision Transformers (ViTs). In this paper, we propose Blacksmith, a novel training strategy to overcome the CO problem, specifically in ViTs. Our approach utilizes either of PGD-2 or Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) randomly in a mini-batch during the adversarial training of the neural network. This will increase the diversity of our training attacks, which could potentially mitigate the CO issue. To manage the increased training time resulting from this combination, we craft the PGD-2 attack based on only the first half of the layers, while FGSM is applied end-to-end. Through our experiments, we demonstrate that our novel method effectively prevents CO, achieves PGD-2 level performance, and outperforms other existing techniques including N-FGSM, which is the state-of-the-art method in fast training for CNNs

    Sharif CESR Small Size Robocup Team

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    Introduction Robotic soccer is a challenD88 research area, which in volves multi leagen ts that ntp to collaboratein an adversarial en viron8] t to achieve s ecific objectives. Here we describe the Sharif CESR small robot team, which was artici ated in Robocu 2001 small size league in Seattle, USA. This a er ex lain s the overall architecture of our robotic soccer system. Figure 1 shows a icture of our soccer robots. Fig. 1. Two robots of Sharif CESR small size robocu team. 2 Mechanics The Sharif CESR team con sists of four iden tical field layersan d a goalkee er. Each robot uses two DC Faulhaber DC motors with a 3.71:1 reduction gear box an twoinW:L+p tal en' ders with resolution of 512 ulses er revolution of motor axis. The algorithm to estimate the velocity from theen# der out ut is A. Birk, S. Coradeschi, and S. Tadokoro (Eds.): RoboCup 2001, LNAI 2377, pp. 595--598, 2002. c # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2002 596 Mohammad Taghi Manzuri et al. implemen ted on the robot